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  • 岩棉定型机固化炉链条润滑改良方案

    发布时间:2022-12-06 点击:


    涂层机定型机地毯机专业生成厂家无锡前洲兴华机械2022年12月6日讯 某工厂现有两条固化炉生产线,用于岩棉的定型,两台定型机的链条温度都设定在225℃左右(属于高温),并且24小时连续工作。目前采取的是集中泵送的加油方式,两台定型机链条所使用的链条油不同。

    The factory has two curing oven product lines for rock wool setting. Both chains’ temperature is set at approx. 225°C (high temperature) and work continuously for 24 hours. At present, the fueling method is centralized pumping, and the chain oil used in the two machine chains is different.

    1、 一号机用的是进口某牌2000高温链条油,加油周期是每加10分钟油停5分钟后再加10分钟,如此循环。

    1、The lubricant oil used on the No.1 machine is a 2000 high temperature chain oil of a foreign brand, the refueling cycle is pumping oil for 10 minutes after a stop for 5 minutes, and repeat in this way.

    2、 二号机则用的是国产某牌高温链条油,加油周期是一直不停地加油,没有中间间歇。

    2、 The No.2 machine uses a domestic brand high-temperature chain oil, with constantly refueling, no intermediate interval.


    According to the field investigation by our U.LUBE team, no special abnormalities were found in the No. 1 machine, and its chain operated normally with very high oil consumption. On the other hand, the No.2 machine has serious oil sludge and carbon accumulation, which not only causes frequent refueling, but also often causes the pin to seize due to the serious carbon accumulation as followed:



    Chain exists serious sludge and carbon accumulation, and jamming phenomenon happens from time to time

    润滑改良  Lubrication improvement


    The U.LUBE team understands that the curing oven chain has the following requirements for lubricant products:

    According to the field investigation by our U.LUBE team, the chain of rock wool setting machine has following requirements for lubricating oil:

    1、 耐高温,温度不能低于250℃;

    1、 High temperature resistance ≥ 250℃.

    2、 抗氧化性能好,在高温工况下不产生油泥、积炭;

    2、 Good anti-oxidation performance, no oil sludge and carbon accumulation under high temperature working condition is produced.

    3、 具有良好的清洁性;

    3. Good cleanliness.

    4、 优良的渗透性;

    4. Excellent permeability.

    5、 优良的润滑性。

    5、Excellent lubrication performance.

    根据固化炉链条对油品的要求,建议使用优润全合成高温链条油 MagN E26,具有优良润滑性能,良好的耐高温性能,以及低结焦量,在高温下为链条提供非常干净的润滑作用,常用于非常高温度下工作的各种链条与导轨,如定型机,回流焊,烤箱等设备高温链条。推荐用于岩棉固化炉的高温链条上是比较合适,也能使链条加油周期延长,综合成本降低。

    According to the requirements of the curing oven chain oil, we recommend the U.LUBE synthetic high temperature chain oil MagN E26, which has excellent lubrication performance and high temperature resistance, and low coking, and provides very clean lubrication for the chain at high temperature, commonly used in various chains and rails working at very high temperatures, such as setting machine, reflow, oven and other equipment with high temperature chain. It is recommended to be used on chain of rock wool curing oven under high temperature, which can also make the chain refueling cycle longer and reduce the overall cost.

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